My Editing jobs involve correcting only grammar and mechanics on a single page. My fee for this service is $5 per page.
My Proofreading jobs involve correcting grammar, mechanics, and revising text. My fee for this service is $15 per page.
Composing either a Toast or Tribute generally takes me 2 to 3 hours to complete. My fee for this service runs $25 per hour.
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Writing an Eulogy for a loved one who has passed is a thoughtful and compassionate task on my part. It generally takes me at least 1 day to complete an Eulogy. My fee for this service is $35 per hour.
Composing a set of Wedding Vows involves a bit of interviewing of the couple to determine appropriate sentiments. It generally takes me 2 to 3 days to complete a set of Wedding Vows. My fee for this service is $50 per hour.
Download Order FormContent Writing includes such projects as brochures, websites, auction catalogs, and so forth. Timelines vary with regard to size and complexity of the project. My fee for this service is $75 per hour.
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